As a credit union, you need a competitive advantage to increase your penetration of mortgages. Ashfield & Associates will help your credit union create a best-in-class member experience by working closely with you to identify and implement strategies to enhance services, streamline processes, build market share and boost cross-sales.

At Ashfield & Associates, we work with clients to create comprehensive strategies for sales, marketing, product, pricing and multi-channel delivery. We assist with implementation of action steps to effectively build market share, review of origination staff incentives, compensation, recognition and reward programs, and review the pricing of products and services offered with regard to competitors.


Ashfield & Associates helps credit unions establish top-notch real estate programs with a fully engaged, client-specific approach. Among our consulting services, we can help you:

  • Identify the goals of your organization.

  • Align processes and policies with your organization’s values.

  • Equip your staff with knowledge, skills and resources.

  • Review compensation and incentive structures.

  • Review product and service pricing in relation to competitors.

  • Identify best practices to ensure your members receive consistent, quality service.

  • Review your organization’s problem resolution process.

  • Identify future opportunities and technology needs with a three-to-five- year plan.


To achieve an effective delivery system, a credit union’s culture, structure, staffing, processes, policies and rewards must be properly aligned. Benefits realized by our clients extend to the entire credit union—not just the mortgage department. For each engagement we establish specific goals, though generally we help our clients in the following ways:

  • Enabling credit union management to clearly and consistently communicate the motivations and benefits for staff.

  • Evolving the role of the mortgage department to one of service and support for both the members and the front-line staff.

  • Establishing readily available “go-to” experts as resources for front-line staff to answer member questions or issues.

  • Uniting the entire management team at all levels to work productively toward a common goal.